I have been looking on the Internet, and one possible solution is Array
Solutions Model AS-RXFEP, RF Front End Protector.  The advertising claims
to protect in the feedback situation as well as in a lightning situation.
The insertion loss is claimed to be only 0.3dB.  For only $55 this seems
like a good investment.  Does anyone have experience with this unit or
would you please suggest an alternative?

I would be careful of that device. It uses back-to-back diodes. That limits the overload level to around 1/2 volt. This might be OK if you are in the middle of the ocean somewhere, but it won't be OK with antennas that pick up any BCB stations. Remember ALL signals the antennas pick up add together. The peak voltage of everything typically sums.

If you can hear stuff on a crystal set, it will turn on the diodes. Even if you can't, enough weaker signals will turn on the diodes.

On a second more important note, lightning arrestors have very limited value. Entrance grounding methods are probably around 90% of the cause or cure of major damage. The only safe way to protect receivers is to disconnect them, and that only works if the entrance system is correct.

73 Tom
Topband Reflector

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