
I'm interested to hear from you all, what do you use to switch RX/TX antennas 
on 160m band.
I'm currently use an INV-L as TX(RX) antenna and a K9AY for RX. 

In this moment I use a high power coaxial manual switch getting through INV-L 
or K9AY but this is very time consuming, especially in the contest.
I'm thinking of RX/TX switch choosing on RX between K9AY and INV-L and on TX, 
only INV-L, no metter what is used on RX side. I've tried with a high power 
coaxial relay but it doesn't work due to faster relays on PA. seems to me that 
a sequencer should be used.

Look for any practical ideas.

By the way, CQ160mCW contest was a success here with more than 600 QSOs in the 
log and several DX (also VE/K) stations.

73 de YO3FFF
Topband Reflector

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