Very interesting, In typical fashion our discussion has grown
 somewhat sideways. My original comment was that I coveted
 the Wullenwever. I did not say it was a high performance
 antenna or why I coveted it. I still do but more so of the later
 versions.  Nothing has changed my mind about performance
 or non performance.
   What I see in all the pubs I have read still leads me to believe
 it would likely be a killer antenna on 160 meters. If for nothing
 else the 11 degree beamwidth covering 360 degrees. My 
educated guess is about 15 dB or more of RDF. I even have 
the British report on the original captured German antenna.
 I have a copy of a rather extensive thesis for PHD that was
 published about these kinds of multi element arrays and it
suggests serious directivity (RDF from Toms teachings). 
Tom and I will have to agree to disagree about the "W"
 being a high performance antenna and thats fine because 
likely neither of us has the time or energy to affirm any points.
    Victor K1LT has been using SDR beam steered arrays for
some time and reporting some great results. Yes it will be the
 star of the future.
     I have used some pretty significant receiving arrays and I
 still am amazed at what they can do. I have no doubt that any
 of you top-band people would welcome the chance to use  the
 "W" antenna on 80 or 160 meters to see what it would really do. 
 Personally I would be thrilled. I am currently using 16 elements
 total in two diversity arrays and it just makes me yearn for more
 just to see what can be done.
Lee  K7TJR

Topband Reflector

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