One poster on this thread mentioned a desire to compare an inverted L with 
elevated radials against a quarter-wave vertical with elevated radials.  
Another poster mentioned looking at the near field below the surface.

I put together a ".weq" format model for use with the AutoEZ program, with all 
dimensions controlled by variables.  Here's a general view:

You can use this one model to study what happens when you change the height of 
the radials, the length of the radials, the length of the vertical section, 
and/or the length of the horizontal section.  The horizontal section length may 
be set to zero in which case the model becomes a simple vertical.  In the view 
above the radials are 130 ft (~87 deg), the vertical section is an arbitrary 65 
ft, and the horizontal section has been automatically set to ~71.9 ft which 
produces resonance at the feedpoint.  Test frequency is 1.832 MHz.

Here's the model file:

If you want to play with this model using the free AutoEZ Demo program you'll 
have to adjust the segmentation density down to roughly 20 segments per WL from 
the current 100 segs per WL.

Finally, mostly just out of curiosity, here's what the near field looks like at 
1 ft above ground.  This is looking straight down on the antenna.  The color 
scale represents E-fld intensity.

And here's the E-fld at 1 ft *below* ground.  This is not an apples-to-apples 
comparison; note the range of the scale is greatly reduced.  (NEC4 engine 
required to produce this view.)

AutoEZ ( works in conjunction with EZNEC v. 5.  If 
you prefer to use the free 4nec2 program it would be fairly simple to create an 
equivalent model using 4nec2 "SY" cards.  

Dan, AC6LA
Topband Reflector

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