Right on Mike,

About two or three years ago there was a distinct deterioration of operational courtesy on what had been known as the Gentleman's Band. This was noted by an number of posts to this reflector. Again, there was an obvious explanation, although I don't recall it being mentioned. The reason for the bad behavior was caused by the immigration of frustrated HF'ers to 160, which was then in great shape for DX. The improvement over the next couple of years coincided with the (anemic) return of sunspots, which encouraged these migrants to return to their "home" bands.

However, there are still occasions of poor behavior. In many cases this is purely accidental , such as this morning when, still half asleep, I sent my call two or three times on the frequency of 9M4SLL. This was answered by a single gentlemanly "up", whereupon I 'silently stole away', feeling like a fool. My embarassment was lessened a few minutes later by a much more prominent top-bander making the same mistake with the same courteous result. No cacophony of "up lid", "idiot", "cops QSY", etc. etc.

Bert,  VE3QAA

On 10/03/2013 2:19 PM, Mike Armstrong wrote:
Guys, I think the explanation for why 160 (and the dx crowd on 80, too... not 
necessarily the 75 meter "throw a wire in the air rag chew crowd) are more 
gentlemanly (and ladies, of course) is very simple.  It is REALLY simple to explain:

To put a decent signal out on those bands takes some very real effort.  Generally speaking you cannot 
"buy" your way to a great signal on those bands.... It takes thought and effort to be successful 
there.  Only the most dedicated of hams will even attempt it and those "dedicated hams" are 
gentlemen everywhere they operate.  Their dedication to the hobby being "the thing."
The non-dedicated (lazy, if you will) hams don't even try to put a signal 
there.  Thus, those who don't appreciate the hobby (and what it is for or what 
it can do) are automatically excluded.  Those are usually the people whose 
manners are less than savory.

I can hear the cries and gnashing of teeth already starting, so before it does: 
 I AM NOT SAYING that those who only operate the higher bands aren't dedicated 
or gentlemen!  There are numerous reasons for why an individual ham can or 
simply desires to operate the higher bands exclusively..... One being property 
limitations, obviously!  Inability to get sufficient free time, at night, to 
operate those bands for DX would be another rather obvious reason.  Thus, the 
160 crowd seems to be a somewhat older group of people (read that: retired).

What I AM SAYING IS that those who make the attempt to put good signals on the 
low bands must be pretty dedicated because it does take such a terrific effort 
as compared to the higher bands.  A natural follow-on conclusion is that the 
lousy operators are generally lazy, don't appreciate the hobby to begin with 
and won't put out the effort involved in low band operation..... So, as I said 
above, they are almost always automatically excluded from the low band DX 
world.  It is like a natural filter.  But, like I said, that doesn't mean that 
ALL high band ops aren't gentlemen..... It just means that most, if not all, 
non-gentlemen will almost surely be high band only operators..... There are 
exceptions, but they are exceptions, not the rule.

I guess the correlation is that "Gentlemen Hams" = "Dedicated Hams" no matter where they operate.... Same 
holds true the other way around in that "Dedicated Hams" = "Gentlemen Hams."  At least that has been MY 
experience over the last 50+ years of my personal ham operation.  Show me someone who isn't dedicated to this hobby and I can 
almost invariably count on the fact that they will be the ones who misbehave or don't care about whether they learn proper 
operating procedures..... They just don't care..... Again, you CANNOT be a "don't care" ham AND put out a worthy signal 
on 160/80.... I just don't think it is possible.  Well, maybe, but still you know what I mean.....

When you add in the difficulties involved in just plain DXing on those two 
bands, the reasons for gentlemanly behavior become critical.  Contact 
throughput is pretty slow on those bands under the best of conditions.... Deep 
fades, high noise, you name it...... If you add misbehavior or rudeness to the 
mix, it is almost impossible to have successful DX contacts there, right?  So 
those who are simply selfish have a reason to display gentlemanly behavior 
there..... If for no other reason..... LOL.

Lots of words.... And I said it was "simple" to explain.... LOL.... Sorry about 
that :)

Take care and great DXing,
Mike AB7ZU (who ALWAYS aspires to be a gentleman on any band)

Kuhi no ka lima, hele no ka maka

On Mar 9, 2013, at 19:26, "Mark Lunday" <mlun...@nc.rr.com> wrote:

Wonderful.  It restores my faith in the hobby when I hear this courteous and
professional behavior.

Mark Lunday, WD4ELG

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-boun...@contesting.com] On Behalf Of N7DF
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2013 6:31 AM
To: topband@contesting.com
Subject: Topband: gentlemen's band

The TX5K SSB operation last night on 160 was a joy to listen to    everyone
stood by for the station being called and paid attention to the DX
operator's instructions  quite a contrast to some of the higher bands
_________________ Topband Reflector

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