On 07/20/2013 11:55 AM, Gary Smith wrote:
As nothing remains on the market long before it's replaced, my PS
from two years ago has been superseded. Mine is a PC Power & Cooling
Silencer 760W. Were I to get one today I would choose their 950 watt
The reason I like this PS is it is dead quiet RF-wise & acoustic-wise
I can't hear it over the fan on the processor. It's a very reliable
unit and frankly, most any of the ones that get lots of eggs  from
reviews on Newegg will meet your needs. Amazing that people are still
selling RF generators as PS. I got burned 4-5 years back and never
bought a cheap one again.




I live in a "backwater" area and when I needed a power supply for my computer they had cheap ones *only*. In this area it was all they could sell. I learned more about computer supplies than I ever wanted to know. I mail ordered a better power supply and used the el cheapo to learn how to quiet the danged things down. It's a better neighbor to the radios now. If my time is worth anything the higher priced supply is a better bargain than the cheap junk one and then fixing it up. With the modest price difference I made about 2 cents per hour doing all of that!


Bill  KU8H
Topband Reflector

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