Jim, it seems to be a difficult subject for those who want to make a huge case out of taking measurements as if this was a scientific undertaking requiring a decade of reviews, papers, and the usual academia way of wasting time.


There isn't any reason to turn everything into something it clearly is not, so you probably just don't understand what I am saying.

We ALL (or nearly nearly all) agree trees have an effect. But just having an effect, all by itself, isn't very useful information to any of us for anything.

I don't think many rational adults would disagree with the idea it would be nice to have some reasonable idea how significant the effect is, or how much worry it is. Few of us like to worry about insignificant things, and anyone with any reasonable curiousity generally want to know "how much". How much horsepower does a car have, how many years of smoking does it take to harm us, how high can the SWR be before it causes a problem, how many radials do we need, and how big a worry is that tree.

Those all seem like logical, reasonable, questions that many people would enjoy having actual answers, rather than "It has an effect. I read it somewhere. Next topic."

73, Tom

Topband Reflector

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