I am well aware that I may be flamed (again) for starting "something", but
I found this article where the conductivity of sap wood and hard wood is 
It seems if I read it correctly, that with this specific trees and soil 
the results are
quote:and 594 ± 55.5 
the heartwood ranged from the maximum of the
sapwood to 1737 ± 393.4 
Full article here: http://www.metla.fi/silvafennica/full/sf44/sf442267.pdf
Disclaimer:I do not imply this is of any value to the discussion whether a tree 
will effect a transmission or reception on 160m! :-)
This is for information only seeing that conditions on HF is rotten.
 Ωm. The electric resistivities ofΩm.
All tomograms display a distinct pattern of low
resistivity at the stem perimeter and high resistivity
in the stem centre (Fig. 1). The transition
between these zones is rather narrow and represents
a steep increase in resistivity. The 5%
and 95% quantils of electric resistivities of the
sapwood of the nine trees were 219 ± 42.5 m
Topband Reflector

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