Hi Guys,

While I most certainly agree with what others such as Tom (W8JI) might offer 
here as to the value of TRUE "A" vs. "B" comparisons when it comes to how 
effective an antenna may be, I won't let a little thing like expediency deter 
me from erecting---and using---a "...less than stellar" antenna...

Case in point: at our summer cottage (a two storey affair, with an upper 
balcony), I lashed together some aluminum tubing to tie to the railing on the 
second floor with bungy cord: I made up the balance of its length for a 
1/4-wave 7-MHz vertical with a re-cycled old electrical extension cord dropped 
down from the aluminum, which terminates at the feed point some 3' above 
physical ground. I then unrolled 2 insulated counterpoise wires, 1/4-wavelength 
long, in opposite directions.

Surprisingly the doggone thing works very well into Europe, no doubt testament 
as to the effectiveness of the stations of our European friends(!) as much as 
anything else at this end of my QSOs...but the point is, it works quite well 
with just the 100-watts that I might pump into it from my now-ancient Yaesu 
FT-980 transceiver.

So don't despair, and---as the Nike slogan so aptly puts it---JUST DO IT!!!

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
Topband Reflector

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