Contrary to one persons views that 2M ham 5/8 antennas are pure rubbish sounds about what Id expect from a flatlander.

It is annoying when you invent words, claims, or statements and attribute them to others as if the other person actually said what you claim.

If you can manage, please stop making words up and attributing them to me, Carl.

My statements are pretty clear, and I **NEVER** said 5/8th wave verticals are "pure rubbish".

Just to clarify, my actual statement was that 5/8th wave antennas, when not just over highly conductive flat earth, do not have close to the magical "3dB" gain claimed by amateur and CB manufacturers and accepted in amateur and CB communities. This is why commercial people, like Motorola or Phelps-Dodge, always stayed away from them. The only place we find elevated 5/8th wave groundplanes is in amateur and/or CB antenna circles.

The gain of 5/8th wave antennas actually comes from earth image, and requires the antenna to be near earth.

Absent a significant groundplane, like many CB antenna and amateur designs, 5/8th wave antennas can actually have negative low angle gain.

Please note, nowhere did I say they are "rubbish", and nowhere did I say they do not have high angle radiation. Inventing what someone else said and then arguing with what they did not say is a little silly for adults.

Topband Reflector

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