On 09/09/2013 10:33 AM, James Rodenkirch wrote:
...think that there's "more to understanding" horizontal and vertical antennas 
on Top Band.
Listening to a fella on 80 SSB this morning about his experiences with a 
vertical 1/4 wave and a horizontal loop on Top Band.
He said he had both up and used them over a 20+ year period and noticed that 
one would work better than the other for DX.  For five years or so the loop 
would outperform, for a couple of years the two would be equal and then for 
about five years the vertical would do better.
One can easily point to the 12 year period as aligned with the Solar Cyclef BUT -- when I 
look at the radiation patterns for both I see the loop as a hugely efficient NVIS antenna 
with little low angle radiation.  Sooooo, I think there are some magnetic anomalies at 
play here but -- if the radiation angles don't change, how does one work "mo 
betta" than the other?
I do have the ON4UN book and will start diving in to it more to see if John can shed some 
light on this topic AND I don't wanna start a cuss and discuss session here (I know many of 
you already understand what influences the above "observations" so I don't want to 
rekindle any previous "debates) but.....if someone can direct me to specific sections of 
John's book or lother papers/websites, I would appreciate it!!
I consider myself a "newbie" re Top Band" propagation and "other 'influencers'" on 
antenna performance (I do understand gray line, the various ionized layers and all of that) but anxious to learn 
more - thank you, in advance, for any "direction" you can point to so I can learn.  Replies off line are 
probably mo betta - don't need to get any pissin' contests agoin'!  Hi Hi
72, Jim Rodenkirch                                      

Please reply on the list. I'm interested, too. My own suspicion is there are parts of propagation that are not very well understood if at all and those bits are pointed out by what happens with real antennas as opposed to theoretical antennas. That does not dismiss the theories.

I'm taking baby steps here and I am permanently limited by my postage stamp lot but we have all read testimony about success from small lots (and with low power). I'm cornering the parts to build a 'meter' that will give me information about the antennas I already have so that I might make them perform "mo bettah" - if I know whether to turn left or right when I get some 'numbers'. Just like Jim, I am not interested in stirring up any pots. It's pretty easy with a 40 meter dipole antenna to just go outside and cut off all the parts that don't work. 160 meters (or 600 meters) doesn't lend itself to that simplicity - if nothing else because of size.


Bill  KU8H
Topband Reflector

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