You can use Coax seal in a tube thats used to fill in the gap between coax
connectors to keep the moisture, which has teflon.  Put that on first then
wrap with teflon tap to close up your gaps. To weather seal it, there use
to be the brown tap like stuff radio shack use to have and it molds itself
together. you can then silicone  calk over the top of every thing.

Electricians use a kit when they splice together 2600 volt high current
power lines that run through buildings to prevent corona from happening.
Costly.  The kit is rated for even hight voltages.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Jim GM <> wrote:

> You could use Teflon tap, it is used on plumbing pipe threads to prevent
> leaks.  Some one once told me that 1mill thicknes was good for 1K volts.
> --
> Jim K9TF

Jim K9TF
Topband Reflector

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