Like I said - mistakes happen.  If the guy who made the mistake realizes he did 
so and is will to correct the error that is nothing wrong with that.

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Editor of The Daily DX, The Weekly DX and How's DX?
Two week trial - 

On Nov 16, 2013, at 8:46 AM, ZR <> wrote:

> Ive always been under the impression that both calls have to be sent, 
> received, and verified to count for DXCC and other awards. QSO's on 160 are 
> no different than EME when it comes to verification.
> Unless an audio recording (SSB/CW) is kept to verify a mistake was made in 
> the log the result is still a busted call which also gets deleted during 
> contest log checking.
> Am I wrong here?
> Carl
> KM1H
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bernie McClenny, W3UR" 
> <>
> To: "Doug Renwick" <>
> Cc: "Topband reflector" <>; "KV4FZ Herb" 
> <>
> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2013 6:08 AM
> Subject: Re: Topband: Don't give up AND log who worked the DX b4 and after!
> Ugh - Let me go on the record as saying I don’t like this idea and I wish 
> this can of worms was not opened!  Thankfully US stations (and hopefully 
> others) no longer have second (personal) calls.  Yes we have club calls, but 
> thankfully those QSOs will not count for ones personal DXCC records.  I’ve 
> been on DXpeditions and had guys download all their calls on me (on each band 
> and band mode!), taking away the opportunity for other Deserving DXers to get 
> into the log.  Yes I realize sometimes the DXpedition or DX operator makes a 
> mistake and I have been burned once or twice over the years, not at the fault 
> of my own but by the other guy in the QSO.  I much prefer K9JWV’s method by 
> noting in my log the previous or next QSO.
> Flame retardant suit on!
> 73
> Bernie
> Bernie McClenny, W3UR

Topband Reflector

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