Those switch contacts carried 5 VDC at a milliamp (at most!) to and from a
CMOS interface IC (similar to BCD, but it wasn't) on the logic board of the
computer that ran the machine.

And I don't think that's enough to make anything arc, do you? :-)

I wish I would have saved that switch that I greased, or took a good photo
of it. The circle of grease around the contacts turned bright silver,
almost white, with no visible traces of the underlying phosphor bronze
contact base metal. And from the amount and appearance of the resulting
"silver grease" perhaps the contacts had a heavier-than-normal thickness of
silver plating. Whatever the case, I never expected to see what I did, and
I'll never forget how the machine acted after so short a time, how the
switch looked when I took it out, and how amazed we were. If that grease we
had wasn't abrasive, I just don't know how else to explain what happened

I don't think it is that important or meaningful to the world, Mike. None of that means silicon grease is abrasive and should not be used as a lube, which I think was the original statement. There are too many millions of applications where it works as a lubricant without issue.

The only documented cases of silicone grease causing an issue in switches is from silicone-carbide is when contacts arc through the grease. It actually is a very common lube for many applications.

73 Tom
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