Hello friends,

sorry for bothering. Just FYI...

There http://160mband.blogspot.com/ is the replacement of the my preview
Topband blog here http://topband.blog.cz/ because of an aggressive
advertising and flash banners inserted by the blog provider. For older
posts access You can visit the old link which will exist still... but it
will not be updated anymore. I will try to move all technical articles
to new blog step by step but rest of articles will stay there untill the
closing this source finally. (2014)

I decided for movement to the new provider as I really don't want to
bother all of the readers with unwanted advertising and strange flashes
even in Czech language...
Hope it will make my blog much more comfortable to read as same as my
60m band blog here http://60mband.blogspot.com.

Best regards,

73 - Petr, OK1RP
Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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