
there are several linux contest loggers.
TRlog has a linux version ( http://www.kkn.net/trlinux/ ).
* supercheckpartial doesn't work 'on the fly', you need a key shortcut
* you need a X running

tlf ( https://github.com/Tlf/tlf ) is a nice and easy-to-understand logging software. Configuration is a bit tricky but since you're used to Linux it shouldn't be a problem to you. Everything (rig control, keying) works without problems!

YFKtest ( http://fkurz.net/ham/yfktest.html ) is nice logging program as well, easy to understand. The author (DJ1YFK) helps immediately if there are any problems / questions.

JL ( http://www.qsl.net/w1jq/ ) is a nice contest logbook. Easy to use and easy to understand with all the important features.
* based on Java
* you need a X running

QLE ( http://home.kpn.nl/w.knol18/qle/qle.html ) never tested, since it is pretty new. But it seems to be a simple contest logger.


DL4UNY - Andre

On 12/04/2013 07:12 PM, Mike Waters wrote:
Thanks for all the recommendations for N1MM, but I am just unable to
install it on my shack's Linux computer. Under WINE, I get a database
run-time error after I do the latest update. And there's something wrong
with my Virtualbox Windows XP installation on that machine that I don't
have time to fix.

How about Trlog for DOS? There is NO price or purchase info at
http://www.trlog.com, nor does it say what contests the free version

I'll look at the others soon.

73, Mike
Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

check out http://www.dl4uny.de

73 de Andre, DL4UNY

Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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