Finished rebuilding my windstorm destroyed Inv-L Sat eve around 6pm in the dark 
headlamp on. Twenty above and warm. Snow and four downed trees so had to crawl 
around to hang new cords and elevated wires. Tuned up nice and low at 1830 and 
heard some ‘6’s, ‘7’s, a displaced 9, and KH6LC above the S4-5 floor. Good 
sign. Took a nap. 

Big mistake. By 0600 on the Band had died in Fairbanks @ 64 North…the Aurora 
overhead was a “Level 7” and that means take 2 big ones and go back to bed. The 
P3 bandscope looked like a nice blue waterfall with no falling CW debris. K3 
was signal silent. The JA’s were chirping on 40 so it wasn’t the station or 

Maybe the Big Stew will be better.

73, Gary NL7Y  
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