My 160 meter ATU uses an old military box with the original behive feed thru insulator that is starting to crumble. I haven't been able to find a pocelin feed thu of that size (about 3'') and the ones on e bay are very small. Any suggestions for a source?

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 12/17/2013 3:09 PM, wrote:
When I lost my last set of monster buss bar ceramic  insulators to breakage
due to a broken guy line on the tower, I replaced them  with artificial
wood. I used 4 X 4's. It machines easily and works flawlessly  wet or dry with
full power even in very high voltage conditions. The material is  actually
made from recycled milk containers, so the factory told me. Anyone who  wants
a picture, I'll send it to you.
73, Barry W9UCW
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