Sorry to hear of the other topbanders who lost their antennas and may still be 
without power!  We went 58 hours with power but it came on at 2PM Tuesday and I 
was able to cook the Christmas turkey yesterday.  Thanks to all those intrepid 
linemen.  Sort of spurred me into action....

Well call me crazy, but I spent the day up the tower in wind and snow, but only 
-4C (25F).  The first trip up the tower was with a hammer to bust off all the 
ice on the way up.  Then built a new 80m doublet and installed my ginpole up 
through the hexbeam to get a mast support at 48ft.  Then using some vicegrips 
clamped to the end insulator of each 66'6" leg, I tossed them up and over the 
hexbeam wires for a free run to my support masts used for my original doublet.  
Rescued three 2' PVC standoffs from the side of the shack to install on the 
tower tomorrow to support the balanced feedline and then to my feed thru panel 
so that I can use the same set of radials as before.  Should be good to go for 
the RAC Winter and SPTC.  The wind and snow squall have to be good for about 13 
db gain I figure!

See you on topband
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