For some like myself who have never and will never be able to experience topband from other areas ore even other local stations, streaming audio can be of significant interest, be it contest or non contest. It adds another dimension of fun, discovery, and learning to the hobby.

I see very little to no potential for abuse of streaming audio from a contest participant. Non-contest streaming could be a different matter, but frankly in today's world there is so much technology available for cheating that the means is always there for those who are going to do it. I don't believe a few stations streaming audio is going to change the playing field much.

I personally have streamed audio/video from my station during 6 meter operation. There was a good deal of interest for reasons similar to those stated in my opening paragraph. Thus far I have hesitated to do it on 160 because there are so many who get upset about it. I wish we had some way to stream with a short built in delay - long enough to preclude using the stream as a remote receiver. Incredibly, I have not been able to find any way to do that. My solution has been to stream video along with the audio. The delay in video encoding and broadcast has been enough to make it virtually useless to anyone who might try to use it as a remote receiver.

My blood pressure is lower since I accepted there are those who are going to cheat, that DX standings may not reflect what was done by fair means alone, and that there is nothing I can do about it. It wasn't an easy adaptation, but it was a healthy one. I won't comment on contest scores. I'm not enough of a competitive contester to have formed an opinion on the level of cheating that may ore may not take place.

Paul N1BUG
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