Oooops - sorta!!
Checked the schematic for the KD9SV pre-amp I have and find it does have 
clamping diodes at the, question/problem/concern resolved, 
in spite of myself!!  Hi Hi
Tnx to Don, WD8DSB, for querying me and suggesting I check my particular KD9V 
72/73, Jim Rpdenkirch K9JWV
P.S. WOW! HL5ILV was rockin' in to s/w UT this morning around 1250Z at 569 to 
579, at times...I did work him but needed 50 watts to do it..NO QRP QSO with HL 
land today!  Also heard some STRONG JAs on 80 CW as well  Hope condx continue 
for the CQ 160 next weekend and hope to hear and work y'all with my QRP peanut 

Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 13:53:01 -0500
Subject: Re: Topband: To clamp or NOT...that IS the question

Hi Jim,

You might post that info to the topband reflector (about your preamp having 
clamp diodes already included as part of the original KD9SV preamp design), as 
some guys were questioning what I was saying.  Even Gary KD9SV e-mailed me 
about my comment that the KD9SV preamp that you had might already have clamp 
diodes as part of the design and I reminded him that some of his preamp designs 
did indeed have diode clamps (1N914 diodes or equivalent) across the input to 
the electronics, and then he went and looked at some of his schematics and 
confirmed that I was indeed correct.

There are several different vintages/designs of the KD9SV preamp which causes 
some confusion to even the designer (Gary, KD9SV).

While I agree totally with what others have said about intermod as it relates 
to clamp diodes, I also believe in keeping systems as simple as possible.  The 
folks having the most negative feelings about clamp diodes also are the ones 
using RX antennas that have gains many magnitudes greater than what your RX 
antenna provides.

Just listen to what folks are saying and make the best decisions you can based 
on your own particular situation.

Don (wd8dsb)

On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 12:53 PM, James Rodenkirch <> 

Yup - Don../good observation and I checked thw schematic for the preamp and it 
has clamp diodes at the front end..

> Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 12:02:03 -0500

> From:
> To:
> CC:

> Subject: Re: Topband: To clamp or NOT...that IS the question
> Jim,
> Getting directly back to your original question, I built a KD9SV preamp,
> and it has clamp diodes included in the design (I did not add them, they

> were part of the original design by KD9SV).  Does you KD9SV preamp already
> have clamp diodes protecting its input, and if so you have already answered
> your own question about adding clamp diodes to protect it (no reason to add

> them if you already have them).
> If you go one step more and follow the advice that others have provided
> here, you might consider removing the clamp diodes (if you have them) based
> on their comments, but please understand that the gain of you RX antenna is

> approximately -36.3 dbi (based on the dimensions you told me), and it's
> very possible that you will not encounter the same kind of problems (using
> clamp diodes) as those using beverage RX antennas on 160 meters just due to

> the greatly reduced signal strength that your RX antenna provides compared
> with a full size beverage.
> That's all I'm saying on this topic, over and out.
> Don (wd8dsb)

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