On 2/1/2014 1:21 PM, David Raymond wrote:
He said Nodir, EY8MM, was already on 160 for the Saturday evening shift.  He 
said they have been working on their RX antennas, trying to improve their 
receive capability to the degree they can.

FT5ZM is the antipode to a spot in Colorado, so it's not easy to the US. Their Topband window to Zone 3 is from about 1330 - 1530, with a comparable window to Zone 5 around 01Z. I was couple dozen or more who made it into the log Friday morning, and I've heard them working the Zone 5 window as well. In both cases, a few of the better stations in Zone 4 are also working them. They are also working corresponding 80M and 40M windows.

It's an 11,000 mile path from them to me, and I've managed to get in their log on 6 bands. They put out a good signal, study propagation, and direct their attention to where they can put the most Qs in the log. Every operator I've heard has been first rate. Whomever I'm hearing on Topband seems to understand Topband very well. Pushing the wrong button is a fatigue factor. All of us do that from time to time. :)

73, Jim K9YC
Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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