I have used 4 bi-direction 760 foot Beverages for 5 years or so here in 
I put up the AS SAL-30 a month ago and my experience with the has been very 
I can't do a direct A to B with the Beverages right now so I must reserve 
making any bold statements about the comparative performance as yet, but it 
definitely beats a full size 4-Square on 80M.
Modeling indicates that if single band (160M only) performance is desired - it 
can be optimized even further from the broadband 'tuning' I am using at present.
 Bruce W8RA

 From: Carl Luetzelschwab <>
Sent: Saturday, February 8, 2014 4:12 PM
Subject: Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array

Terry W7KW,

Yesterday I posted a message here about the Shared Apex Loop Array.

N3OC's review of it appears in the February PVRC newsletter.

My Product Review of it will appear in the April QST. My experience with it
has been extremely favorable on 160m, 80m and 40m as I cannot put up
multiple long Beverages.

Carl K9LA
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