Hi, Bill!

Well, it's bad out there!  Lots of gridlock on the roads and now the weather 
people are calling for 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch of ICE!  That WILL bring the power 
down. Don’t' thimk I'm able to get my generator going, altho ugh it has bropu 
ght me through a few ice storms and a hurricane in the past but I'm too 
crippled now to; foo; with it! I'll just have to hunker down and  hope for the 
best. I do have my gas logs. flashlights etc.

If my ship comes in, I'd like to get a whole house generator with a transfer 
switch and electric start tho;at run's from natural gas but that doesn' help me 
right now!

Take care and stay warm, Bill

Charlie, K4OTV

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Stewart [mailto:cw...@embarqmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 3:07 PM
To: Charlie Cunningham
Cc: topband@contesting.com
Subject: Re: Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in 
Raleigh, NC

Hey Charlie,
We have about 3-4 in. of snow on the gnd, and just started to
sleet, and maybe some rain, abt an hr ago. We are in the country
and on a well, so have drawn up some water, flash lights, oil
lamps & gas logs at the ready. I have a geny too, but its pretty
hard to pull in cold wx...makes me think more abt a whole-house Genrac. Guess 
we will also get abt 1/4-1/2 inch of ice. Hang tuff Charlie and any others 
facing this mess.
73 de Bill K4JYS
Half-way 'tween Smithfield and Newton Grove NC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charlie Cunningham" <charlie-cunning...@nc.rr.com>
To: topband@contesting.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 2:37:13 PM
Subject: Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh,  

Yikes, HEAVY snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh!  It's really
coming down and accumulating FAST here! Next we're supposed to get   hit
with sleet, freezing rain and ice - up to 1/2 inch!  Hope my power stays on!
I'm too crippled up and there's too much snow already to try to get out to
the garage and fire  up the generator and ru n a cable into the house! I
guess my gas logs can keep me from freezing!

Wish; me Luck!

Charlie, K4OTV

P.S. How are things down Atlanta and GA way?

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