On 1/30/2014 11:03 PM, Carl Braun wrote:
If I can't get the antenna to resonate using the L I'd say that I'd consider 
shunt feeding the tower and work out an (omega) matching scheme to match the 
tower to my target freq.  If that's the case, do I mount my upper shunt arm on 
the tower at 67' or at 90'?

Can I run a single drop wire into my panel and then switch the feed between two 
matching networks?  One for 160 and one for 80?

Please advise


Carl AG6X


Why not just run a slant wire to your shack and feed the bottom against a ground system through an ATU. Don't expect any real drama on 80 meters as the tower is probably to long electrically. ut a slant on any frequency could be modeled to see what you choices are. The only way this could change if you made a decoupling sleeve on the tower so the radiator appear to be between 1/4 and 3/8 wave length. It can work as a duo bander but it will require some extra work and a good vacuum switch since the voltages may be high at the in/out switch point. Some directive in the direction of the slant may occur but it should be be slight. As far as a drop wire shunt is concerned: There should not be any advantage of having the drop wire shunt arm much higher than the approximated sweet point for you tower.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

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