I can buy all your IRC - 1.25 each. Via Paypal. Valid till 2017.

Sam LY5W

On 4/20/14, Joe Subich, W4TV  wrote:
>  > He's right. They are worthless.
> Not true.  The box says (in French):
>     Empreinte de controle du pays d'origine (facultative)
> In English that is:
>     Postmark of the country of origin *(optional)*
> The originating country (postal service) may stamp or not stamp
> as they choose; it should not make any difference as to their
> validity.  Many countries choose of postmark IRCs as an internal
> control but it is not required by UPU.
> 73,
>     ... Joe, W4TV
> On 4/20/2014 1:40 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
>> On 4/19/2014 10:29 PM, PACER99 wrote:
>>> My local post master says that
>>> he  can not accept them without a seal.
>> He's right. They are worthless.
>> 73, Jim K9YC
>> _________________
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