Mike, definitely worth a go.

I had used a quarter wave raised vertical on 40 metres for some years. The feed point was at 11 feet above ground with sixteen quarter wave radials dropping down from 11 feet to about 7 feet but I wanted to get on 80 and 160 as well with no room for more antennas.

I increased the total height to about 58 feet and kept the feed point at 11 feet (about as high as I am happy to go on a ladder to adjust the matching). The only practical way to get multiband operation was switched base loading, totally against all the advice.

I got the antenna working in October last year and have been amazed at the performance, still with only the sixteen 10 metre long radials.

I thought it would get me around Europe on top band but I've now worked 63 entities on top band, with 36 confirmed including Amsterdam Island, Ecuador, South Sudan, Trinidad & Tobago and Thailand. Still hopefully awaiting a QSL from Mongolia.

The antenna also performs well on 30, 40 and 80 metres, with Amsterdam Island confirmed on all three bands.



-----Original Message----- From: Jim Brown
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2014 6:09 AM
To: topband@contesting.com
Subject: Re: Topband: Using 80m 1/4 vertical on 160

On 6/1/2014 9:49 PM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
Is this worth trying?

Sure, especially if you can use a decent radial system or counterpoise
with it. Would a taller antenna be several dB better? Of course. But as
one presenter at a Dayton QRP conference said so poetically ten years
ago, any antenna that is up on the air will outperform one that's rolled
up on the floor of your basement by at least 60 dB!

73, Jim K9YC

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