I think that idea of transformer balun or transformer unun isolation is generally a bad idea in a phased system, and not necessary in almost any system except very special cases.

I would generally just forget that system for a number of reasons.

Attenuation of common mode, and everyone forgets this, is attenuation is a function of shunt impedances (or common mode impedances) to the added series impedance. It is like the system forms an attenuator pad.

If you cannot accomplish adequate isolation with a simple choke of reasonable impedance, it is best to look at the system and correct it.

With a very short cable and reasonable "grounds" on each end, just a few dozen ohms of choke impedance makes a large change in attenuation. With very poor grounds, or the wrong cable lengths, almost no impedance will be adequate. People pick poor solutions because they fail to logically look at the system. Because they do not consider the system, the invent magic things to create unnecessary ridiculous impedances.

I would use a shield breaker for feeding an electrically very short dipole, because common mode impedance is always extremely high. It has no ground at all. I would never use it on any type of Marconi (even with a poor a small element ground).

I might use it on a video system or a 60Hz - 20kHz system where a reasonable choke is difficult. Not on 2 MHz except very special cases. It is generally a misguided idea for most things at HF and higher.

I made a braid breaker by using a binocular core 73-202 with 2 turns primairy and 2 turns on secondary . The term braid breaker comes from John s latest edition of low band DX ing

I found that it is difficult to get signal levels identical on both elements when using it, so maybe better to use a good common mode choke at the feedpoint .>>>>>>
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