Well said! I was thinking the very same thing.

All my outdoor and buried coax is flooded Commscope quad-shield F-6 (RG-6).
It will continuously handle WAY more than the legal limit on 160 and 80.
And so will the F connectors!!

73, Mike

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Donald Chester <k4...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I think you're being overly picky. The 75-ohm cable would be at worst a
> 1.5:1 mismatch. Probably a fraction of a dB loss at most, particularly with
> foam type hard line. If you have a source of good, low-loss 75-ohm coax
> that will safely handle the power you intend to run, and which will hold up
> for an extended period under direct burial, use it. The most likely
> consequence might be a slight re-adjustment of your matching network.
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