
I have a TS-2000 here which is used almost exclusively for Remote rig contest operation of NP2P. I would never use it for a main station radio because of the difficulty of the man menus and sub menus that one must navigate through. I would highly recommend the Icom IC-7410 (a step up from the IC-746 Pro) that although it does not have provisions for a separate antenna input for RX like the TS-2000, it is a much easier radio to operate with excellent front end and DSP performance along with an ATU built in. For RX antennas I used the DX-Engineering RTR-1 which allows me to switch in a bank of 12 Beverages via an old Palomar pre-amp. The RTR-1 also provides an interlock for amplifier keying for additional front end protection of the external antenna input. Last month I purchased a new Yaesu FT-450D for SO2R applications but that radio did not have front end protection of any sort. It was render useless during the first few minutes of the CW WPX contest. Although the TS-2000 has 2 meters and 70cm capabilities, I still would not want it in front of me in a contest on 160 or any other HF band. There are way to many buttons to press to get some changes to the parameters in the heat of a contest. Press the wrong key sequence and your amplifier stops keying and you spend a half an hour trying to figure out why. The concept of learning what to press and what not to press by trial and error is not my idea of a user friendly radio.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 6/14/2014 5:51 PM, Trent Fleming wrote:
One of the reasons I belong to this group is the experience and expertise
of the operators on here.  I have a question about my next step, in terms
of radios.  This is not necessarily a 160m question, but it does affect

I currently have FT-950 Yaesu.  Upgraded through some horse trading from
TS-690s. Love the DSP and having 100w on 6m.

I need better coverage on VHF, so am considering older ICom (746 non-pro)
or TS-2000.  Have even looked a the Icom 9100 though it is a bit pricey.

If I replace the FT-950 with one of these rigs (I'm leaning TS-2000) I
would have these criteria.

1) Maintain or improve DX capabilities on HF 160-10m
2) Add separate receive antenna jack for receiving loop or beverage
3) Add 2m and 432 with a transverter friendly rig.

If I can't get decent DX coverage with one of these, I'd have the option of
keeping the FT-950 and getting the 746 or a used TS-2000

Here's my main question . . . are any of you TopBanders using TS-2000 as
your primary HF Dxing rig?

Thanks in advance, and 73,


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