re elevated radials:

For a thorough analysis of radials check out for Rudy's work. Assuming farming happens, perhaps you can get them high enough to make the owner happy. Mine are at 10', but higher is better. I use #12 or #14 aluminum electric fence wire elevated 10". Cheap and strong . 9 ga is also available.

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist <> wrote:
Buy an extension cord reel (available at Harbor Freight, HD
etc), wind up the first radial, then connect the second
radial to the end of the first one by twisting the ends
together, then wind up the second radial etc.  This is
easier (IMHO) than 40 small reels.  It is like one 3600
foot wire.  The radials may be overgrown with weeds
and difficult to remove.  Have you considered elevated

Rick N6RK

On 6/23/2014 9:23 AM, rich kennedy via Topband wrote:

Hello, I'm now able to use a couple acre parcel for a new 80/160M shorty
vertical (80'); however, I can use this land only between Nov and May.

For radials I'm intending on using a #22 stranded hookup wire, 300v and
wondering if this particular wire would be suitable for spooling out the
~90 foot radials then respooling them up several months later.  Expected
power = 1KW; Number of radial ~ 40.  Any hints appreciated.

73, Rich, K3VAT
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