
Within the last 3 to 4 months, I have been plagued with very strong QRN. I have 
a two way beverage that party runs over my garage and next to the house but it 
had always been an excellent performer in the past. However, in the reverse 
direction the QRN was intense, well over S-9 while about S-5 in the forward 

Today, I decided to track the source down. I though it might be the new 
neighbors who moved in to the south since the beverage points southwest at 
their home. However, I decided to start inside my own home first. I set the QRN 
for S-9 on my K3 and began unplugging devices. It only took three attempts! 
When I pulled the power on the relatively new ROKU 3, the noise level on the K3 
dropped from S9 to S5, about 24 db!

I then plugged in the ROKU power supply thinking it might be a switcher but the 
noise did not rise so it is coming from the ROKU 3 itself. Our previous much 
older original ROKU did not do this.

Now I'm going to have to deal with the XYL who is addicted to watching TV 
series on the darn thing! Any ideas on how I can shield, isolate, or modify 
this thing without causing a major operational issue?

By the way, the noise output of the ROKU declines with an increase in 
frequency. On 80 meters, there was a slight increase in noise but not 
signficantly so and no effect on 40.

Lesson learned: ALWAYS start your search inside your home first.

73, Dennis W0JX
Milan, Ohio
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