Hi Don,

Pre-amp requires 12-18 volts at 130ma. (low band DXing- nightime use)

This  solar charger puts out 20 volts that could be reduced to 15 volts with a three legged regulator.  I was hoping to find a pre-assembled charger & battery, but may have to build one.


What is the operating current and voltage of the preamp you plan to use?  Since it sounds like the preamp will be powered on all the time this information will be key in the selection of the battery capacity and solar panel rating.
Don (wd8dsb)

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 1:30 PM,   wrote:

Anyone using, or know of a source, for a compact battery with solar cell charger, to power a remote antenna pre-amp ?
73 Bruce-K1FZ

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