Is KC0W still planning to be in Haiti on low bands this winter?

I think N5JR and a PY have been there on 160M in 2014 so far this year too
(I worked them other bands but not 160)

Tim N3QE

On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Carl Clawson <> wrote:

> Reprinted with permission from the Daily DX. Please help Dale however you
> can.
> 73, Carl WS7L
> N3BNA and friends are "definitely going to Haiti," and have acquired a
> 300-foot tower in The States they plan to ship down and build there.
> Details are not finalized. Once the tower is up, there will be
> concentration on working Europe on the low bands - past operations haven't
> had enough tower height to have great antennas. Dale says he's looking for
> operators too. Anyone interested may contact N3BNA or
> The ARRL 160 Contest is an early goal, then
> possibly the CQ 160 Contest. Operators are needed for the ARRL 160 Contest
> and volunteers are needed for the tower project, including some technical
> advice from guys who would like to help from back home. The 9-acre site is
> half salt marsh, near the ocean. The 300-foot tower with complete radial
> field will be for a popular Haitian Christian radio station that was
> important in helping in the recent Haitian disaster relief efforts. The
> station agreed to let the ham group use the tower if they would help get it
> put up. The AM broadcast station would potentially be turned off during ham
> contests! A tribander has been donated by JH5GHM. SteppIR has loaned a
> BigIR vertical. Funds are needed for feedlines, with the tower 700 feet
> from the transmitter building. $5,000 is also needed to ship the tower from
> the US. The Haitian International Friendship Amateur Radio Club has been
> set up as part of the effort.  You
> may also email them at with support, comments
> or
> inquiries of any kind. Dale emphasizes, "our biggest need is volunteers and
> operators to join us."
> _________________
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