Any one hear me calling CQ  or called me and I did not come back to you?

I was running QRP with a KX3, and using my transmit antenna for receive. I
worked VP5 and KV4 for DX and may other stations.  I operated the full 14
hours. with 3 breaks in the 24 hour period.  The band here has a 10 to 12db
QSB and it was a slow fade so you had to wait for certain stations to get
louder so I could work them.  I had a nice time.

I had a problem I got the shivers  when I went to bed.  Teeth chattered.
Most likely cause I was up 24 hours. Drank water during the contest. Whats
the preventative for this not to happen.  Maybe it is my age of 61 thats
part of the problem. Just cannot take contests any more.

Jim K9TF
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