By looking at the panadapter on my flex 6500, I can see KEES; they're not even THAT strong, (around -40 dbm) but the crud is definitely there, only down about 30 db from the main signal. It takes multiple phone calls, emails, mean facebook posts, and text messages to KEES and the FCC to get anything done about it. Same thing happened couple years ago...

When this happened before, do you know what happened to fix it?

I've had problems like that several times, sometimes from stations hundreds of miles away. Sometimes it is parasitics in the transmitter, and sometimes it is arcing in the antenna system.

Although it could be anything, for my cases the real long distance stuff has always been parasitics in transmitters. Parasitics are frequency selective, perhaps a few hundred kilohertz wide.

The close-in stuff from local stations has usually been arcing in antenna systems. Arcing in antennas is generally very wide bandwidth.

About half the time a nice call to the correct person at the radio station will get things fixed. The rest of the time it takes FCC involvement, which can be difficult. In the interests of smaller government and lack of skilled field engineers, the FCC has become far understaffed. You have to figure out how to work around the field engineer shortage problem, if you are sure it is the station's problem and the station does not want to fix it.

73 Tom
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