Still hear it 8AM local time in mid-coast Maine. Running S5, S6 / slight QSB. ComingĀ  from the East-NE. About the only North American land in that direction is southern New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
 Any VE1 stations hearing it ? Does Jack VE1ZZ have an email address ?


On Tue, 9 Dec 2014 12:28:32 +0000, thorvaldur S T E F A N S S O N <> wrote: 12:27 UTC - nothing heard in TF. The source is definitely not TF.
73 Thor, TF4M

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 12:15 PM, Will Angenent <> wrote:

> 12:13 is 10 over 9 here on the NE Bev. And 000 on the NW Bev
> Will
> K6ND

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