Greetings to 160M Contesters, DXers and lesser lights,
     Dec 27, 1500Z to Dec 28, 1500Z defines the time course of this
year's running of The Stew Perry Top Band DX Challenge sponsored
by The Boring Amateur Radio Club. Operate 14 hours out of this time
period to maximize your exposure while staying within the rules.
Read, understand and appreciate the rules so that you can see the
uniqueness of this contest which may be a template for other
contests on lesser bands.
     The rules which make this a very unique and fun CW contest are at:
     Plaques are sponsored by radio operator  heros who devine a category
and feel strongly enough to send in $60 by check or $63 by PayPal to The
to recognize radio competitive feats by the assembled. You, yes you, can
join this august group below by notifying me at the address way below.
     The list below constitutes the radio stalwarts who have sponsored
plaques so far for this year. There will be more.
Donor                    Category
KL7RA                  Top # of QSOs
North Pole Contest We are cogitating
TF4M                     Top Score 160M mobile (must actually be able to
N0TT                      Top Score < 21 years old > 200 QSOs
TF4M                      Longest Distance QSO- 2 plaques
AA6VB                   Top Score,base loaded Vert <60' tall
AA6VB                   Top Score big city >50K, little pistol <100W
KH6LC                    VK-ZL Challenge: Top Score VK-ZL
N5IA                       Most Grids worked
N5IA                      Highest score daylight operation only
K7FL                     Top Score 100% Search/Pounce
NA0Y                    Top Score USA
K6ND                    K6SE Memorial-Top Score World
K1EP                    Top Score by First time Entrant
K2PO                    Top Score,S/O,Low Power, Zone 3
TF3KX                   Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score N of 60 deg N
                            geomagnetic latitude
K7CA                    Top Score China
K7CA                    Top Score Southern Hemisphere
W2GD Team          Top # NA+SA Qs by EU Station
KR2Q                    Golden Log- Top # of Qs with no busts
W7RH                   Top Score Low Power Asia
VK6VZ                  VK6HD Memorial- Top Score by N hemisphere
                            station working S hemisphere stations. Winner
                            gets Flying Doctors of VK baseball cap.
Dr. Beldar-L1AR   Top score utilizing temporary antenna. (All parts
           of temporary antenna including radials must be installed after
           Dec. 14, 2014. This antenna must be the only antenna for
           TopBand at the station, and may be left up, because as we
           all know, "temporary" means "until I die".)

     Go back and read the list again as there are several plaque
for you to aspire to for this year. Plus, there will undoubtedly be more
appearing  before the starting bell, as people lose the December fog,
regain their
senses and sponsor a plaque.
     The Boring Amateur Radio Club appreciates greatly the fine support that
the 160M community has shown it. Combining grid squares with a chance to
away from all the Holiday business for a Top Band RF fest is a winning
String up a wire, instead of your complaining neighbor, and join us this
year for
The Stew Perry Top Band DX Extravaganza!
     73 and I remain,
     Lew   w7ew
     The Boring Amateur Radio Club Scribe and Wire Polisher
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