One of the factors for arc over is the diameter of the tower and top support pipe diameter & length. A really FAT 1/4 wave tower may have 1000 ohms at the top, while a skinny tower would have much more. The higher the impedance, the higher the voltage to cause arc overs. 73

On Thu, 18 Dec 2014 10:05:16 -0600, Joel Harrison <> wrote:
Stan - For about 8 years, up until this past spring, my shunt fed tower
 > for 160 had a KT34XA (insulated elements, later upgraded to a KT36XA same
 > insulated elements) at the top and I never experienced any issue at all
 > running 1500 watts, even during a few contests where, as you know, you are
 > running "continuous" for an extended period. I've read discussion about
 > whether the coax should run inside -vs- outside the tower, mine ran
> outside. >

> Thanks...Stan, K5GO
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