Hello brethren,

I have to complain and name the names. It is a second day in a row that I 
become the object of QRM. I come to a freq 3514 in particular, ask QRL? and, 
not receiving any objections, begin to call CQ. A few minutes later the 
frequency is under massive attack from EP6T callers whose TX frequency is at 
3503 and he listens up 2-3. Now tell me is it  within HAM SPIRIT to call a DX 
on a frequency in use?  If it is okay and my understanding of ham radio is 
outdated, I will certainly do the same. Vive anarchy! Do not complain...

As for split. Many novice expeditions like to CQ at the lower end therefore on 
some occasions making entire bands useless for those not involved. Why not CQ 
and split at the higher end of bands, where usually lesser activity is observed.

73 Alex

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