Thanks Dave,
This is what I was looking for. CU on Low Bands

Sat, 24 Jan 2015 13:24:21 -0600 от "K0EKL Dave" <>:
>There were four Alaska stations spotted on 160 last night.
>This website is useful for those wishing to arrange WAS skeds and QSL via
>There are a couple stations from AK who frequent the board and operate CW,
>Fone, and Digi modes.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Goldtr8
>Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2015 10:26 AM
>Subject: Topband: 160m WAS need AK via LOTW
>Was AK on last night?
>I was still in bed with the flu and never got on the air.
>I will be getting on tonight but my target is AK as I need that state
>confirmed in LOTW to get 160m WAS confirmed.
>2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
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73, Victor Goncharsky US5WE/K1WE (UW5W in VHF contests, EO90WF in 2014), P.E.
UARL Technical and VHF Committies
DXCC Honor Roll #1 (Mixed, Phone)
DXCC card checker (160 meters).
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