K2AV wrote:

>When I send in a checklog, that does not invalidate QSOs where other
>stations were working me. They get credit. If I checklog, I'm just saying
>that *I* am not submitting a log to put *my* call into the competition.

The opinion about the NF multiplier not counting was first brought up by VO1HP 
in his message:

>The CQWW 160 CW rules say NO remote receiver setups allowed  so I  will submit
>my log  as a checklog only.  Too bad because I think i was the only VO1 on the
>band giving out the NF mult. 

In my interpretation of the rules if an operation is not permitted, sending in 
a check log by that station would not make it count.
Just like someone operating from an entity without a permit and giving out a 
multiplier.  In example I drive to C31 where CEPT does not apply, I work the 
contest and send in a check log.  Would that count as a C31 multiplier?

Niko AC6DD

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