When you see full page ads in QST for commercial remote operation, then you
know the rules have really changed.  It advertises 185 antennas, 50 towers,
18 stations, 15 amplifiers, 9 states, 2 continents and then says "What are
you waiting for?"

Why don't we just quit all this foolishness and cut through a 'minor' point.
Why not just send the dxpedition a few hundred dollar bills and get
confirmation on all bands, all modes.  Against the rules you say.  So who
says there are any ethics left when operators now set their own ethical

I see little difference between buying contacts and using a commercial
remote station.  This also has the benefit leaving the bands open for
'smaller' home stations to have some fun and actually work the dx.


-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-boun...@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Larry

Yep. All you need nowadays is a credit card. You can be on Honor Roll
without ever seeing a radio or antenna. Gotta be a little like kissing your

ARRL is going to stand for American Remote Radio League before too much
longer. DXCC's best days are behind us.  

Larry K5RK

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