Larry -- I think your proposal provides the basis for a very workable solution and hope you will forward this idea to ARRL. I don't think the BOD gave this subject adequate consideration but your ideas offer a guidepost for what is "ethical". While some will still cheat, most will follow the rules as they are proposed. I'm sure there will be some discussion on what is the "right" distance but that's a minor issue in my view. I think virtually everyone is interested in maintaining the integrity of DXCC. I don't think we need two awards -- just better rules to govern what maintains the spirit of how the award is achieved. Thanks for your post! 73, Greg-N4CC

On 2/4/2015 2:50 PM, Larry Burke wrote:
A few days ago someone on the reflector suggested "if you don't like the
DXCC rules get them changed". Here's a proposal designed to maintain a
certain amount of integrity in the DXCC program while allowing for the use
of remotes, both personal and commercial. This should help those in
HOA-restricted communities, those whose careers require frequent
moves/travel and, in some cases, advance technical knowledge of the licensee
-- all the arguments one hears defending the use of remotes.

Back when the DXCC rules were changed to eliminate the requirement that all
contacts must be made from within a 150 (?) mile radius to "all contacts
must be made from within the same entity" the hobby was in a much different
place. The changes were made, in part, to accommodate an increasingly mobile
workforce who wanted to maintain their DXCC totals. Today, one can access
personal or commercial remotes from anywhere in the world. Here's the

1. Grandfather all credits to-date -- whether they were obtained from one
location, moving all over a given DXCC entity or via any type of remote

2. Revert back to DXCC being determined by station location, not the
operator. To allow for local moves establish a 150 mile radius within which
the station location may be moved.

3. Each operator gets to pick ONE location from which he may feed his DXCC
award going forward. This can be a traditional home station, his personal
remote station, or a commercial remote. But pick ONE and stick with it. No
more clicking from one coast to another.

Sure, there will be questions on enforceability -- but you have that now
with excessive power, the "all equipment within 300 meters" rule, and so on.
If this is a really big deal to someone, establish a DXCC OO position and
scatter them around the world (like that would be a fun job!).

Gotta move to a new QTH across the country and don't want to start over? --
establish a remote within 150 miles of your current location, or set one up
at the local radio club for members to use. This might even encourage RHR to
put remotes in all metro areas to accommodate such moves. Win-win for

In the interest of transparency, if you want to weigh in on this discussion,
please indicate your affiliation with any commercial remote business and/or
your use/non-use of remotes to feed your awards today.

Larry K5RK

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