On 2015-02-05 08:30, Jim Brown wrote:
On Wed,2/4/2015 10:51 PM, Jan Erik Holm wrote:
Sorry if I´m a PITA right now but why even bother to
have this debate about K1N on 160, it´s not even DX
to NA, like a local station almost.

That depends on where in NA you are -- it's pretty big. I'm 5 miles from
the Pacific, 70 miles S of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, 3,122
miles from Navassa. London, England is 3,090 miles from Bangor, Maine.
Detroit is 1,715 miles from Navassa. Seattle is 3,330 miles from
Navassa. All of those North American paths are over land. The paths from
EU to Navassa are all over water. I've spent about 8 hours trying to
work them on 30M. They are pretty loud here, but I keep getting beat by
stations in the eastern half of the US, AND from EU. I did work them the
first night they were on 160M.

73, Jim K9YC
Yes I know it´s big. I been to all those places, Golden gate bridge, San
Francisco, Detroit, Bangor, Seattle and probably very close to your QTH also. I driven across the US a few times, yes I know it´s big.

Yes my statement was a bit broad but still, 3000 miles that´s like me
working a Italian station, for you west coast would be the extreme case I certainly understand that. In any case if I put it at my perspective I see no big deal in working a Italian station on any band.

73 Jim SM2EKM
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