On 2015-02-05, at 10:16 AM, <k8...@hughes.net> wrote:

> It seems that newcomers want the easy way out, and technology supplies it. 
> Instant gratification, regardless how hollow, seems to be the new goal.
> Brian  K8BHZ

Hi Brian,

You know what...?

I can see the day coming---probably sooner, rather than later---where contest 
organizers will either run a unique contest unto itself, or create a separate 
special category for existing ones---called "Vintage Operating Entrant"...or at 
least, words to that effect...

Wannabe nostalgic participants in this class will have to sign a contest entry 
affidavit saying that they (A) never once benefited from the presence of a 
computer in the shack, (B) maintained a hand-written log only throughout the 
event (and to include said logs), and, (C) submit their printed check-log as an 
integral part of their entry.

All just like in "...ye olden golden days" of the late great Victor Clark 
(W4KFC) of the ARRL...

Sound like a ridiculous proposition...? Hey, it's no more preposterous than the 
annual "Straight Key Night' sponsored by the ARRL, or the "AM QSO Party" 
supported by the Antique Wireless Association.

People are people, and all the modern-day "challenges" will surely quickly lose 
their lustre, and the yearning for a true spirited competition---"mano-a-mano" 
will return, even if only on a small scale...

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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