
What do you mean by FT5ZM being "nowhere near the sea"?


On 2/14/2015 10:00 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
On Sat,2/14/2015 8:45 PM, Milt -- N5IA wrote:
With a bit of time on my hands, and using some information and links sent to me by persons responding to my post earlier today, I have compiled the following list of All Time Topband DXpedition leaders for total 160 Meter Qs.

This is one of those achievements were simple numbers don't tell the whole story. Considering their location, special mention ought to be made of FT5ZM (3,578 Qs, 789 of them to North America, halfway round the world and nowhere near the sea), of PT0S (3,027 Qs from four operators on some rocks in the South Atlantic), and of the several other two-man expeditions by George and Tomi for which statistics are not on ClubLog.

73, Jim K9YC

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