Email Dom 3Z9DX. I had a log problem and he answered me immediately. I am sure they are open to suggestions if asked nicely.

Mike W0MU

On 2/19/2015 9:35 AM, Tim Shoppa wrote:
Conditions to EU on 160M last night were just superb. Might be best to just
let TI9 work EU given these conditions.

This AM before I went to work (1100Z), I got them on 160M CW. They weren't
loud but were peaking up above the noise quite often.

I have listened for them when spotted on phone on the high bands and found
nothing but kc cops.

Tim N3QE

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 11:26 AM, K1FZ-Bruce <> wrote:

  Ti9/3Z9DX initially was very weak on 160 last night at my QTH in Maine
(northern New England).
Then the signal started building, peaking to S-8  1530 hours UTC.
Unfortunately they were working Europe at the time. Waited a number of
hours, but  "no cigar".
Any information available as to flexing operating hours to regional areas

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