I just ordered a remoterig control box to allow my K3 to control remote
stations.  I'm not currently able to set up much of a station and so
looking forward to being able to operate in more contests using remote
stations.  With two young kids my wife is less than thrilled at the idea of
me being gone for a 48 hour multi so this is a great enhancement to the

What I like best is that it keeps the spirit of building a competitive
station but lets people share in it who would normally just not operate.
Since I'm not a DXer I don't have an opinion on whether it should count for
DXCC credit.

Matt NQ6N/9

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Dave Blaschke, w5un <w...@wt.net> wrote:

> This is just the beginning!
> Dave, W5UN
> On 2/25/2015 9:05 PM, Eddy Swynar wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I am really & truly surprised that nobody here has raised so much as even
>> an eyebrow at this story:
>> http://www.arrl.org/news/no-one-in-the-shack-as-station-
>> logs-4200-contacts-in-arrl-dx-cw-contest
>> The whole notion---to me, at any rate---compromises the very essence &
>> the "...joie de vivre!" of operating on 160-meters, don't you think...? And
>> to imagine that one of the "perpetrators" in all this is actually exuberant
>> about his accomplishment...
>> “...'No one was in the K4VV shack for the entire contest!' said Mike L*,
>> W0**, who took part in the contest via K4** from his own shack in
>> Virginia..."
>> This too is "progress"...? Oh well, I guess maybe it is. Time marches on,
>> things evolve, things "de-evolve," & nothing stays quite the same.
>> ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
>> _________________
>> Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband
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