JC, In 1965 I remember taking the ferry from Rio over to Niteroi while hauling a large trunk with some Drake Twins, some wire and a tuner, along with the help of Rolf Rasp over to a location (PY1NFC?) in Niteroi I was able to get on the air on 160 to and work W1BB and other TB faithfuls who then needed Brazil for a TB new one. It was a major effort amid the thunderous QRN just for a dozen TB contacts but worth every minute.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ (PY1ZAI)

On 2/26/2015 9:29 AM, JC wrote:

Eddy, Ham Radio is dead, extinct.  It has been replaced with Internet

I'm sorry for you!. I'm alive, we are alive. Ham Radio is more exciting and
alive than ever. 700.000 licensed in US only.

Don't look in the mirror, just do what works for you. Ham Radio is an option
and a hobby based on each one individual interest.

I just worked my country # 278 o 160m since 2006, my first DXCC on 160 from
Brazil started in 1972 and worked my #100 in 1992. Do I trade the first 20
years to work 100 with the last 9 that I worked #278. Definitively not.

What I don't like about HRH is the commercial aspect of it, U$ /min air
time. The legality of it depends on the money behind each side. We can lose
our privileges with this precedent. It depends in how much money will in the
table. Best strategy is do not play it,  if you don't want to live with the
doubt to lose it.


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